While working at the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), I was able to do some of my most exciting work. See samples of the following:
The biggest project of my career at the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) was the redesign of the organization's website. Working with an outside agency and design team as well as internal subject matter experts, I served as project manager, lead content developer, editor and webmaster of the new website. BLOGS Wrote and/or edited and published all blog content between 2015 - 2018. Below is a selection of some of my best work on the blog.
FACT SHEETS Wrote and/or edited and published all fact sheets between 2015 - 2018. Worked with design team to create new layouts in InDesign to complement the new website design. Rebuilt templates in Canva and MS Publisher so other departments without design skills could work with them. INFOGRAPHICS Worked with design team to create new infographics to assist with data visualization and storytelling. Edited and updated graphics as needed. VIDEOS We produced several videos this past year, many in partnership with outside agencies and some of our cities and other industry partners. I helped with art direction, script writing and coordinating the on-site shoots, and even produced a few videos myself for our internal communications. E-NEWSLETTERS News Stream e-newsletters were sent out monthly to an external audience that included board members, city staff, elected officials, business leaders, chambers of commerce, economic development corporations, NTMWD staff, and were made available to the general public. Project Pipeline was sent out quarterly to the same audience, but also included contractors and consultants. These were created in Constant Contact, then added to the website with an accompanying blog post and social media blast. I managed newsletter content development, writing assignments, graphic design, formatting and layout, distribution and reporting. I also wrote the majority of the content with help from our internal team and subject matter experts. MEDIA RELATIONS/CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS As the public relations coordinator, I was part of a team of writers and editors that all contributed to the release of news and information. During a crisis, such as a chemical spill or sanitary sewer overflow, I was assisted with the news release writing/editing and published it online and on social media. I also coordinated media site visits and interviews, and I researched and wrote answers to media inquiries. Occasionally, I acted as spokesperson. Media Placements (coordinated or as spokesperson)
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September 2020